Do you know what trade marketing means and how it can help your business?
Trade Marketing strategies is a strategy adopted within marketing planning that, in a way, brings industry and distributor closer together. The main focus of this type of action is to strengthen ties with your resellers so that the result reaches the end consumer and, of course, generates profit for both sides.
Together with technical promoter, In this type of action, the product is presented to the distributor. Trade marketing carries out numerous actions within the area where the product is sold, determining the best ways of promoting it, such as approaching the store, presenting the product on the shelf, signposting with promotional materials and drawing up promotional campaigns. It is an important link between the marketing and sales departments, where strategies are developed to effectively increase sales at the point of sale and in the distribution network.
The person responsible for trade marketing in your business assesses the competition and defines the best price to adopt for a product and the strategy for promoting it on the market, along the lines of quality/competition/benefits/promotion.
But how can this help my business?!
You've heard the story that a company needs to be seen to be remembered! Trade marketing takes your business to the end consumer using various actions so that the customer sees the product and decides to buy it. The main objective of trade marketing actions is to create and foster buying interest.
By getting closer to your end consumer, it will be more sought after and sales will increase as a result. You'll be working directly with the main source of consumption of your product. It's a practically certain return.
This way, your product will be better remembered, your brand will gain market recognition and your business will only grow.
Right, now, how do you carry out an effective trade marketing campaign?
Now that we've conceptualized a few points, let's get to the main point of this article: after all, how is it possible to carry out an effective trade marketing action that brings me the results I need?
If trade marketing is about bringing your product closer to the end consumer, the initial strategy is to make this happen. This can be done in various ways, but the most commonly used is through promoters, who present the product to your main consumer.
The ideal is to start with promoters at strategic points, places where your target audience is most likely to be found. For example, if you're a local producer, the ideal is to seek out markets in your region to present your product to your salespeople. An example of a type of trade marketing we can cite in this case is the market trader. The difference is that they don't intermediate the sale of the product, after all, they already sell to the end consumer.
Partnerships, presentations and visits to your distributors are just some of the other strategies applied to trade marketing that you can use over time.
What you should always keep in mind: the main purpose of trade marketing is to reach the end consumer, to make them aware of your product and keep it in mind when they go to buy it.
This way, there's a win-win situation, as the consumer is satisfied with the product and your distributor and you increase sales as a result.