William Wack case: how far does the power of social media go?
If you're connected to social networks, you've probably heard about the Wiliam Waack case. Involved in a racist controversy, the journalist's name has been much publicized and talked about in recent days. Controversies aside, what we're here to talk about today is the repercussions of the case itself.
After his comment reverberated and went viral on the networks, Waack was removed from his position as anchor of Jornal da Globo. As well as bringing a distancing for himself, he also ended up creating a positive campaign, going against his comment.
Understand a little about the case
For those who didn't follow or don't know what happened, we'll explain. It happened when Waack was covering the US elections about a year ago. A recording, made before the program he was on aired, shows the journalist saying that the noise caused by people outside was "nigger stuff".
The video went viral, with negative repercussions for the journalist, who had his dismissal announced.
But what about that?
Everything! Much of the "blame" for all the repercussions came from the fact that the video and comments about it went viral on the web. Many called for the journalist's resignation, which resulted in his dismissal.
In addition, several people have spoken out on the web, creating a hashtag positive to publicize what is, in fact, "black stuff".
This gives us an idea of how networks can pulverize a news story and, at the same time, bring about something positive. If unity is strength, what would be the size of the strength of a network that connects not just one city or neighborhood, but several countries and municipalities around the world?
Names like Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson, Machado de Assis, Elza Soares, Viola Davis, among many other well-known names, were mentioned in this tribute that invaded Twitter on Thursday afternoon (9). A hashtagIn fact, it was among the most talked about topics (Trends Topics) on the social network in Brazil and around the world.
In other words: be careful!
Nowadays, networks are increasingly present in our daily lives. You have to be very careful about what you say, especially if you're a public figure or a company.
After all, sometimes something that could easily be avoided can damage you for a lifetime.
Think about it!
Text by: Tânia Saad | CADA Communication Team
Contact: tania.saad@cadacomunicacao.com.br