The World Cup is almost synonymous with marketing and advertising! How about we talk about that?
The World Cup is here. As you can see every time you turn on the television or log on to social media. And with it come the floods of advertising that accompany what is the biggest soccer competition on the planet.
Whenever we have a World Cup, one of the few certainties we have, apart from great matches, is that many sponsors will appear on our screens at all times. Marketing during the World Cup generates millions of dollars in various countries. Proof of this is China, which will spend the most money on advertisingand the country hasn't even qualified for the World Cup.
Why is that? Simple: there is a huge interest in viewers to watch one of the biggest sporting events in the world. The World Cup, this year being hosted by Russia, is a huge brand, money and audience mover all over the world.
The World Cup market, like the football market itself, is a huge money-spinner (pardon the pun). You can't ignore this fact and not notice the brands that appear as official sponsors of the event at every break and even during the games.
There is no shortage of resources for these advertisements
Jingles, emotional commercials, famous players, ordinary people cheering. These are just some of the features we constantly see in advertisements involving the World Cup. You've probably found yourself singing along to a song played in an official sponsor's commercial, whether it's for the event itself or for the Brazilian national team.
And that's the idea: to make the brand appear and somehow fix that message or product in the consumer's mind.
Big brands, even well-established ones, keep their focus on making advertisements of the kind that make a mark, attract attention and stick in the consumer's mind. Even if a brand is already known to the general public, it never hurts to be present, especially at events of this size.
That's why many of the brands that appear during breaks in the games, or even during them, are the same ones that appeared at the last World Cup. And they will probably be the same ones that appear in the 2022 World Cup.
A cycle that never closes
The World Cup marketing cycle affects a huge market and audience, which is why brands are so keen to take advantage of this opportunity.
Every investment made by brands is returned in some way. That's why it's a win-win cycle. And this is one of the main reasons why companies aim so much for this 30-second interval, in addition to the great productions we see in this short period.
The World Cup is a passion for Brazilians, but it's also a great joy for brands.