After all, what are the differences between a technical promoter and a conventional promoter? And where do they impact on your business?
Recently, we talked here about the technical sales promotion for your business. Today, we're going to continue a little on this theme, but now more focused: after all, what is the difference between the technical promoter and the sales promoter we already know?
As we mentioned in the other post, the technical promoter has a more specific focus. It is for a product that requires more complex information and a higher level of knowledge. It's not just a demonstration of the product, it's explaining its attributes, uses and other information that is pertinent to your end customer.
A technical promoter's knowledge of a product is much broader than that of a conventional promoter. Precisely because they have to know these specifications and explain them to their target audience. Often, the technical promoter is already dealing with people with more extensive knowledge, so they can be questioned about it.
The biggest differentiation
As you've probably already seen, the technical promoter's knowledge is the biggest differentiator for this type of action. They can delve deeper into the treatment of your product and present in a more convincing way that it is the best option for the customer.
It goes far beyond a simple demonstration or tasting. The conventional promoter is there to promote a product or brand; the technician also promotes the experience, the result and what the product has to offer.
It's the certainty of having a better understanding of your product, with a positive response in increased sales.
How do I know which one I need?
This part complements everything that has been said so far. In short, the focus is on your product. What do you sell? If it's a product that needs a more technical presentation, you already have your answer.
Glass is a good example of a product that can be used for technical promotion. It has specifications that only a person with technical knowledge can pass on. It guides glaziers and end consumers on the best practices in the market.
Another product that requires a more technical promoter is medicines. That's why there are sales reps. They have the knowledge to speak directly to the medical profession. They are the ones who present new medicines or ways of using them to doctors, so they need to have extensive knowledge.
In short, the more technical your product is, the more necessary the presence of a technical promoter will be. If you have any doubts about whether or not your product fits these terms, contact us that we can help.