How to make your brand recognizable by its visual identity
When you think of your company's visual identity, what comes to mind? There's a lot more to it than the colors and layout of your brochures. A well-structured visual identity is very important for recognizing your brand.
To better illustrate what we mean, let's start with some basic concepts. When we talk about visual identity, as the name suggests, we mean identification. Just as we have a document that identifies us, so does your company's visual identity.
That's why you need a well-structured template. After all, every identity is standardized, with only the data changing, right? And it is this standard that will stick in the mind of your consumer, making any image immediately identifiable and understood as that of your company.
To make it clearer, we can cite a more visible example, so to speak. Let's get practical: the famous "M" of MC Donalds, the font used in the calligraphy, the colors, all of this is easily identified and recognized as being from one of the main chain stores. fast food of the world.
The idea of visual identity is exactly that: to recognize a company or brand by a few images.
Dude, a badge!
Those who see the face may not see the heart, but they can certainly see a lot of what you have to offer, especially when it comes to companies. A good initial presentation of your image can be what draws your client's attention and makes them hire you. It's a matter of batting an eye and identifying that we're talking about company "X". And knowing that the badge is so up-to-date that the photo is unmistakable in anyone's eyes.
That's why it's important to maintain the synergy of your visual products. Images and videos. The logo, the card, the website and all the material you put out that bears your company's name must be in harmony with each other.
The better your visual identity, the more recognizable your company will be in the eyes of your customers, partners and society as a whole. And remember: you can count on CADA to help you with this!