The use of technology has helped us a lot in recent years, but how far can it go?
Artificial intelligence is already a reality that is more than knocking on our door, it has already entered and settled on the sofa. The ChatBots are already used by several companies and are being improved every day.
Faced with this boom of this technology and its daily improvement, the question remains: how far can it go?
This week Microsoft announced that it is developing a robot that draws what you describe to it. According to the information presented, this technology should be very useful for painters and interior designers. And why not mention graphic designers? Having someone reproduce a drawing you've thought up could make life a lot easier for people who work in this type of service.
Could robots replace people?
This is a question that must come up a lot, especially when we see this kind of news.
We don't know how far the power of artificial intelligence can go (will we ever be at the mercy of machines, as the movies said?). The truth is that it has many positive points that help people to do their jobs better. So far, much of what we still see in this technology involves or requires human hands to complete the process.
It's a fact that machines have already replaced functions previously done by humans, especially in large-scale production factories. So this concern makes sense.
However, it's important to remember that it's people who feed chatbots. Without a database of questions and answers, they simply won't work. In the Microsoft case mentioned above, it's the person who draws the picture; they need to describe it so that the computer can understand and reproduce it.
How far can she go?
Artificial intelligence is still a field that seems to be little explored. As technology advances, the trend is for it to be used more and more in our daily lives (see voice commands, such as Apple's SIRI).
I think the final destination of her path is a long way from where we are today. In fact, the question that remains is whether there is a limit to what she can do.
We just hope we don't have to fight the machines in the near or distant future.