Women in Marketing: how is the marketing and communications market shaping up for them?
Feminism. Equality. Women. These issues have been in the spotlight a lot recently. Now, what does that really mean when we talk about women in marketing and the entire communications market?
One survey carried out by Meio & Mensagem in 2016, shows that women represent only 20% in the creative sector of the country's main advertising agencies. Although the survey is more than a year old, it shows that there is still a lot to be done to improve this figure.
It's not uncommon to see reports of women suffering some kind of prejudice in their profession. And this is a factor that can be considered important when we talk about equality at work. In all sectors, there are many cases of women not being taken seriously by their superiors. Today we are moving towards an improvement in this thinking. Little by little, women are gaining new leadership positions and greater confidence in companies.
How women fare in the advertising market
The world of advertising is mostly dominated by men. You only have to look at the major prizes that are awarded to professionals in the market. And it's worth remembering the figures quoted above.
However, just as in other segments, women are beginning to make their mark. When we talk about Digital Marketing, which is an up-and-coming area, you can see a lot of influential women. It's still nowhere near what we have in the market as a whole, but it's a start. And the best thing: there is visibility and reference to these women and their work.
If we consider that women only had the right to vote less than 100 years ago, every step and every achievement is a positive. Every new woman who takes up a leadership position in an agency or large company is something to celebrate.
In International Women's DayIn addition to showing how the communications and marketing market is doing for them, we want to show the importance of this day. There's still a lot to be achieved, we're just getting started, but it's extremely important to have this beginning.