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Marketing to Generation Z

We often agree that modernity has had a great influence on people's behavior, and e-commerce itself is proof of this. And in the face of this reality, a new generation has emerged, one that was born connected.

We're talking about Generation Z, made up of young people up to the age of 19, which is characterized by a new generation of consumers, completely prone to virtual negotiations. They may not consume your products yet, but their behavior will soon inspire major changes in your e-commerce marketing, believe us.

In the US, Generation Z already makes up more than a quarter of the population, 25.9%; and in Brazil the trend of super-connected young people is not far off. But how to win them over?


-Be "findable": Generation Z knows where and how to find information. According to Marketo, 52% use YouTube to find what they want. In this sense, in addition to good SEO campaigns, be on YouTube and work to arouse the curiosity of this audience.

- Support social causes: Generation Z wants to make a difference in the world, being volunteers (26%) and engaged in humanitarian causes with a global impact. By working with your brand in this direction, supporting social causes, products with an environmental connotation and recyclable awareness, the chance of attracting them increases.

- Be attractive: Generation Z is characterized by being multiscreen, i.e. "multiple screens", with little attention paid to a single subject. This group is connected, aware of various topics and has access to different devices. To win them over, attract their attention, especially through visual communication with more images and less text.

- Bet on a constructive experience: Facebook and Instagram are this audience's favorite media. And in these media, they are looking for constructive experiences that add interactivity, entertainment and knowledge. So make your social channels interesting for Generation Z.

A successful e-commerce with a vision for growth must know its audience very well. If you're targeting Generation Z, get ready! They're coming! Good sales!

By Felipe Martins

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