Have you thought about using WhatsApp Marketing?
That WhatsApp has become the messenger of choice for Brazilians and companies is no news to anyone. Far from wanting to discuss what brought it to this level, let's talk a little about how to take advantage of this tool for your business.
WhatsApp, like email, is a great tool for sending your customers information about your products or services. Of course, this is all if they authorize and/or request it. In any case, it's a quick and easy way to get in touch with your customers. Especially since, these days, who doesn't always have their cell phone in their pocket (or purse)?
WhatsApp Marketing is a new form of interaction and promotion through messaging. Through it, you can maintain a good relationship with your customers, while at the same time promoting your brand and keeping it in their minds.
They'll be much more likely to look you up when they need a service. After all, they already have your number literally in the palm of their hand. And a fresh reminder that you are always available to help them.
And how to use the messenger?
There are many ways and possibilities to use WhatsApp as a business tool. WhatsApp realized this so much that it recently launched WhatsApp Business, focused on small businesses. As well as using this format of the app, you can explore all the possibilities it has: images, videos, audios, gifs, statuses and even combine some of these options. For sending, you can create broadcast lists and send your contacts whatever you choose, whether it's a promotion or a video explaining something interesting about your business. But, importantly: broadcast lists may not work if your contact doesn't have your number registered, so it's a good idea to ask them to include your number in their address book.
Of course, you have to have a limit and be careful. It's not all flowers in this WhatsApp world, so you have to know when to stop, too. If a client, for whatever reason, asks you to cancel a shipment, it's important to cancel the shipment. I imagine you don't like being pestered when you say you don't want to receive something anymore either, do you? It works the same way here.
Also, be careful with the frequency of your mailings. Receiving a message every day from a company is tiring. It may even be a reason for your customer to ask you to remove their name from your mailing list.
All well and good, but...
You may have heard that in order to combat the fake news, WhatsApp has started limiting the sending of messages. Previously it was possible to send a file (image, video, document, audio) to 256 contacts at once. Now, this distribution of messages has been limited to 20 contacts at a time. This has somewhat affected those who use the tool for business, sending newsletters, promotions or even WhatsApp Marketing.
However, Whats considers broadcast lists as a send, which can make it easier for your company, especially if your contact list isn't very large.
But is it for my company?
If this question is on your mind, the answer is simple: yes! WhatsApp Marketing, if managed carefully, can certainly be for your company. It's a question of adapting and knowing how to develop ways of using the messenger.
Remember: it's important to respond to your customers, too. After all, WhatsApp is a two-way street and demands an answer when asked.
If you take all these precautions, know how to take advantage of them and know your business well, this is an excellent, practical and economical way to do some of your company's marketing.
And know that, if you need it, CADA is here to help!